Hopefully come to see you soon grandad before my last goodbye. Love you lots Gemma
10th November 2021
Dear Dad
I’m trying to think of all the positives. All of the things you taught me, swimming, riding a bike, respect for animals, respect for my elders as long as they earn/deserve it, how to lay bricks and slabs, all the essential skills no girl should be without. Most of all you taught me to be myself.
My love of books, my love of being at home, they come from you along with the blue eyes and the curly hair…
I’ll always cherish the hours spent watching sitcoms and sci-fi. Live long and prosper! My humour was definitely developed from watching the muppets, benny hill, only fools and horses, etc from an early age.
I love and miss you dad, give mum a kiss and hug from me.
Goodnight dad xxx
8th November 2021
Thank you for setting up this memorial to Finbar.
We hope that you find it a positive experience developing the site and that it becomes a place of comfort and inspiration for you to visit whenever you want or need to.
Sent by W Smith & Sons, Nuneaton on 05/11/2021